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Webinar – Samsung WLAN

04/19/2018 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT

  • Learn about Samsung’s newest Access Points and
    how Samsung Guest Analytics for Wi-Fi can help
    your customers monetize their WLAN investments.

    Why Attend?

    Businesses are realizing their customers want Wi-Fi, and
    that providing it only enhances customer satisfaction, but
    can also help reap unique benefits. Samsung Guest
    Analytics is a Wi-Fi analytics and marketing platform that
    gets customers connected to Wi-Fi, while providing
    businesses with what was once web-only analytics.

    In this webinar, we will demo the Samsung Guest Analytics platform, review the packages available, and discuss sales
    uses cases.

    Once you have filled out the registration form, you
    will shortly receive a confirmation email including the webinar link for access.

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2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT
Event Category:


NTS Direct
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